#Old News
1-02-03 Happy new year everybody!! Unknown X is now 6 months old!!! Soon it will U.X. will be 1 year old!!! With the new years, we finnaly got some new pics up! You can view then on the new photo pages, #5 and #6.
12-28-02 UX had another meeting!!! We now have done "diary of a frantic teenager", and we had some people hear it. if u look on our GB, you'll read the reactionS! Also new section added to the website entitled "Unknown X Fan Pics". We will be adding some pics of people who support the band and it's members.
also, Josh's new bandname is now B0B and G's band name is Thorn. hope u like!
12-25-02 happy winter UXER's!!!! hope you have a great time, and get goood presents!!!
12-14-02- ok, Unknown X is back in bussiness!! we had a meeting today and we sounded so tight it's not even funny! we also got some new pics too so check them out. they were added to the first and third albums.
11-15-02 some of us are starting to have second thoughts on tha name. Billie and Josh want to change tha name, and Catie and me want to keep Unknown X. Tori, as usual is beating around tha bush and won't give a straight answer. Hopefully, we'll all come to an agreement with tha name..... - George
****11-?-02**** STC has a new website the website is www.stcreep.freewebspace.com
This link is added to our favorites also.
****10-26-02**** New Poll up it's down at the bottom of the page. G's Facts are back up. And we have a new section on the sight it's the News Archive. We'll be storing older news there so go check it out for Unknown X past history. Also check out Silly Billie's page for her all new design and very comical pictures. ****10-19-02**** UX had there first practice with G back in the band. it was UNBELIVEABLE!!! We haven't practice in a while as a whole group, but our music has improved greatly. Though catie could not make it. All S>C>T fans, there album is out!!! Also they are gonna be playing a gig, and the record company who has like slpiknot and those bands called "road runer" are gonna to be there!!!good luck cuz's!!!
****10-15-02****~~~~"GUESS WHO'S BACK.."~~~ Sadly, we have decited to get rid of our newest band member,"THE NEW GUY", ADD. WE belived his skills were not as good as we thought it would be. But...... GUESS WHO'S BACK?!! Because of this, we spoke with "G", a former band member, and asked if would would come back to UNKNOWN X. He say yes, SO UNKNOWN X WELCOMES BACK G!!!!!!! Thanks gose out to our departed member Daniel, "ADD". WE thank you for being with us, even though it was a short time, UK TRULY THANKS YOU!!!G' spage is back up, but not the info. Concept 306's link is added, and for the S>T>C peeps, they are about ready fo there album to be done
****9-05-02**** **NEW BAND MEMBER!!** We now have a complete, 5 member band.. The new and final member of Unknown X is Daniel.. He's the back-up guitarist and his nickname is "The New Guy"... hehe.. We should have his member page up shortly.. WELCOME TO THE BAND DANIEL!!!
****8-29-02**** **TORIS BIRTHDAY THIS MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** **Poll added to the page.. Take it.. We would like to hear your feedback
****8-27-02**** Catie now has her page up and her Unknown Facts up. And for those of you who don't know she is our bassist. Making Josh the last guy standing. So we are still working on getting another Guitarist. And Catie's nickname is Cottoncandy just to let you know! =P
****8-17-02**** Well Suffocate the Creep did an AMAZING job!as others we thought were cool. We would like to thank them and the drummer of "Concept 306" (TJ) for also giving us a shout out. Overall the concert was great!
****8-15-02**** Band meeting today, decided to keep these songs if we were ever going to do a performance: Runaway, E-mail. We also written a new one named BUNNY BLUE. In this song we take on a more country sound. ~TOMMOROW SUFFOCATE THE CREEP WILL BE HAVING A PERFORMANCE!!! THAT DAY WE WILL BE INTRODUCED!!!
**** 8-8-02**** Some new pics added. Today Silly, Tori,G, and Tori's sister Nic watched Lord of the Rings. Uncle couldn't make he had to babysit.
****8-04-02**** Got a new site Layout! Have a new page entitled: "Unknown Facts". Tori and Billies 'Unknown Facts' are done. Josh is simi-done. We have not gotten Georges 'Unknown Facts' but we will put them up soon.
****7-30-02**** Band meeting today worked on our songs, tori met up with her cuz in the band names "Sufficate the Creep" and got some help and advice. NEW PICS ON PHOTO PAGE 3!!!
****7-27-02**** 3/4ths of the band went to mall (not Josh ) bought new microphones, looking for stand and amps
****7-26-02**** band meeting today! We now have 7 songs complete. Tori is now singing in a couple of songs! The titles of the songs are now, Pain, Batman, Runaway, E-mail, Possibly, Next Week, and Bad Influences
****7-22-02**** site updated! new photo page! THANKS TO NIC FOR HELP WITH OUR NAME!!!!!! SHE JUST GOT BACK!!!!!!!!
****7-12-02**** we now have more songs made. "batman","pain","runaway""e-mail" more pics added
****6-29-02**** UNKNOWN X had another meeting! INTRO TO THE UNKNOWN FINISHED!
****6-26-02**** NEW pic in the music room(studio, actually office)us fooling around, eating.
****6-24-02**** Billie and Tori go to GUITAR CENTER for some musical needs! 1 song made!
****6-?-02**** The name "UNKNOWN X" was chosen for our band
