The guest book
you guys know the drill. sign the guestbook and if you have any questions..... sign it!! and if you have any comments.... sign it!! but don't sign it if your a stupid person with brain damage that's just gonna write stupid crap {DTITS}. And thanks again for visiting the site!!

Q: why is UNKNOWN X AND DTITS fighting?
A:to A. this, it's starts like this: At first they came on our GB, and told us something about how they could help us out and we didn't understand exacly what they were saying. so we emailed them and asked what they were saying.Then they started calling us names, goning on our GB and were acting so childish for no god damn reason. we EM and just asked if we could stop this fued, and they said okay. but then they wen't on and kept doing it,to this day. we don't know why the hate on us so much, when really we haven't done anything to them. and as you can see that they are being totally imature about this. but were not going to stoop to their level as babies to call>
UNKNOWN X's comments about the recent news I would just like to thank ADD for steping up, and trying to help some friends out.I think that is really cool of you. Just so theres no hard feelings, I really did apreciate you in the band. Hope we are cool wit each other. To G, welcome back. I know u wanted out of the band cuz u were not having fun anymore, and our attitueds were not very good also. I know we havent talked much after u left the band, but it not cuz u left so u know. I really find it cool of you to come back to UX, and not be all u know, bragging about it, how we wanted u back. IF we or UX pissed u off, i sorry. but welcome back my friend!!! TORI
For a short time it was fun, and welcome back G!! SILLY B
Q: Mari asked:What inspired the name Unknown X?A: well Mari, before it was Unknown X, it was many different things! First it was Distinctive Aliex 452, Aliex, Unknown Identies, Tori(me) wanted Pink Ninja Bunnys, but we just went with Unknown X! Unknown was because we are very unknown to most people and X stands for Aliex because people thought we were aliens cuz we were so different. thanks Truly- UNKNOWN X
Q: catie asked: Are you all good friends? A: Yes. We have been friends for a long time. We sometimes pick on each other. But nothing to ever break up over. Cause we are friends is actually the only reason we have a band!br> thanks UNKNOWN X
Q: Rachel .M. asked:What is your song like?
A: Well Rachel, our first song is kind of an introduction to all of us being a band. And it's basically kind of a rap song.
Q: Shaniqa from NC asked: are you planing to sign up to a record label? If so, which one?
A: Currently we are still working on some songs. Making beats and putting together rythms but once we think were ready to submit to a record label. But since were not ready we haven't given it any thought. But when we do decided to submit we'll let you know
Q: Jordan Bates asked: Victoria will you go out with me?
A: well i don't known! Maybe if i got u know u and like stuffs! THANXS for asking though!
Q: Unknown asked:Was there any other band members that either got kicked out or quit...if so why did u kick them out or why did they quit? thank you
A: Yes there was another band memeber that was kicked out. We are not going to release they're name but they were kicked out the band because we felt that they wouldn't fit in. And that they wouldn't take it seriously.
*As for gothic girl, we personaly like gothic stuffs. But whatever, but you have the right to have an opinion. Even though it makes no sense since you've never met us. SO laters!*
Q:Barthalomew asked:#1 what is the first single from the album gonna be. #2 what is the album titled
A: the first single from our album will be called "INTO TO THE UNKNOWN". We are still working on some other songs, and not sure what the album title is gonna be yet.
*gothic girl: that's alright, we realy don't wanna mess with the........unknown, so laters!*
Q:kelly osbourne asked:i just want to know if u guys are gonna do my song
A: we don't know yet. that is a good idea though. we think u were awesome at the MTV movie awards!
Q: asked:hi my name is bunifa hallifa sharifa natifa jackson, i just wanted 2 know if y'all need a backup dancer. i really know how 2 drop it like it's hot!!!
A: well, we have a couple of people who want to be back-up dancers. but right no, we are foucusing on the music. wel'll let you know as soon as were are readly for dancerS!
Q; april asked:Hey Torrie, I heard that you have a really pretty sister. Is this true that you want to be like her when you grow up?
A: well i have manny sisters! but yeah i do have one, but i would rather be MEEH! cause i am soooooooooooo special!!!!!!
Q:unknown asked: this question is 4 silly billie. do u like ur band member josh? be honest. don't lie. u know u like him. p.s- im deffinitly not victoria
A: I did used to like someone in the band but over time we have just become really good friends.
Q: "orlando bloom" asked:Hey Tori, I really think you're HOT, don't go out with Jorelle go out with me! Yours Truly Orlando Bloom
A: well "orlando", that's nice. let meeh say i think you were cooleo in black hawk down and LOTR. but i don't know again!
Q: richard A: im from major record label virgin, and ive heard alot about u, but as yet ive heard no music is it possible u could make some available 4 downlaod on your website, also wen is your 1st single released
A: frist of all thanks for taking interest of our band. we are not sure when our first single will be released. currently downloads may be up soon if we can.
unknown x